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Serum for the face and around the eyes

The serum, sometimes called an elixir, allows us to heal the skin in depth according to our needs.
Prep Time 5 minutes


Same volume of aloe vera gel and vegetable oil. For example :

  • 20 ml aloe vera gel
  • 20 ml vegetable oil suitable for your skin 

If you are using a commercial gel, no need to add a preservative. Otherwise add 2% to 4% of a preservative either for our example

  • 10 drops a preservative for the aqueous phase - Cosgard or Leucidal


  • In the bowl, pour 20 ml of aloe vera gel.
  • Add 20 ml of vegetable oil suitable for your skin.
  • Whisk well until you get a smooth texture, and your serum base is ready! 
  • Add the preservative if necessary


You can use it as is, as long as it is stored in the refrigerator. 
If you want to use your serum at room temperature, it is essential to have a preservative.
If the serum is too oily, you can change the proportions: 2/3 gel, 1/3 vegetable oil.
You can mix the oils for aédesired effect.é.
Keyword Aloe, aloe vera, aloe vera gel, vegetable oil, moisturizer, layering, beauty routine, face and hair serum